Thursday, September 24, 2009

Out of This World Love - Part 3 - Battle between Darkness or Light

I sit in an empty room, alone.
Someone is at the doorway, flicking the light on and off.
I don't know which I hate more, the light or the dark?
The dark transports me to many other dimensions.
My mind tries to rest but thought rent space in my palace
I dream of life, things I like, things I hate.
I dream of hate itself.
But I also dream of love...oh the love I dream of!

More passionate than any cry, more passionate than any song.
My dreams of love can hardly be expressed, they are left in another dimension - my true love will travel there one day and he will see for himself and understand this kind of Love.
Our love will paint a ring on my finger that is worth more than any gold or diamond. Our understanding of each other and our compassion for each other will build a shelter so strong, stronger than anything that could be torn down by a storm or a shake of the earth.
The darkness means a night without the comfort of my loves arms....but our souls visit each other in another place at night.
The light brings day, and day seldom has time for dreams....only daydreams interrupted by the ways of the world.
However, with day, comes opportunity to bring dreams to life. It gives occasion for my love and I to meet in this dimension. When we do finally meet, both night and day will be bright. But until than I try to weigh the scales right, and I still cannot choose, darkness or light.

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