Thursday, January 28, 2010

Yoga Body, God in Mind

Over the last couple days I've gone to 2 yoga classes, where I increased my flexibility, circulation, and concentration, while at the same time, I learned just how much our thoughts really do affect our actions. The instructor said as I grunted and groaned "Our thoughts affect our actions, our actions affect our habits, and our habits dictate the way we live." At the time, I was sweaty and miserable and wanted to tell her to stuff a sock in it; but, after some pondering, and another class, I was reminded just how true that statement is.
For those of you who haven't tried it, Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. The series is performed in a room heated to 105 degrees and 40% humidity and the classes are a full 90 minutes. The postures are done exactly the same way, and in exactly the same order every single class. In fact, the instructors recite the exact same script every single class. There are no demonstrations and ideally by simply listening to the words recited by the instructor as she narrates through each posture, students should be able to do each posture with correct technique and form. They say that many who practice Bikrams may never reach the full expression of every posture in a lifetime, but class by class, week by week, students practicing correct form, will see improvements. The instructor stands at the front of the class and recites the script. She does not do any of the postures, nor does she provide individual correction. Students are to listen closely and focus on the words in order to complete each posture.
The classes are not for the faint at heart; they are the most challenging physical exercise I have ever tried. The heat alone is daunting. I have seen the most elite of athletes try Bikram's for the first time and struggle. For many who are used to working out and think that they are in pretty good shape, a first run at Bikram's yoga can be quite the shot to the ego. They say for the first class, just be happy if you stay in the room for the full 90 minutes, even if you have to lay down the entire time. Sweat is literally dripping off of you before you even complete the warm up. It is quite common to feel dizzy and nauseous. But there's something about it that I love.
Yesterday I had an extremely challenging class. Although the class is the exact same 26 postures every time, it is always a completely different experience each time. It never feels the same. Sometimes you go in thinking you're on top of the world and have the worst class, and sometimes its just the opposite. The challenges I faced in yesterday's class were certainly a reflection of my state of mind. See, what I realized is that if you just simply CHOOSE to follow the script; to dismiss thoughts of "I can't" or "I don't like this posture" or "I feel sick and I think I need to lay down", if you ignore how you THINK or FEEL about the words, and just do what the instructor says, you can do it. Yesterday my mind was getting in my way. So today I decided to go back and instead of focusing on how I FELT about everything, I would IGNORE how I felt, focus on the words, and do exactly as the words told me to do. I had the most amazing class; I felt empowered, I felt like I could do anything because anytime I got discouraged or too hot or overwhelmed, I'd refocus...on the WORDs. I had to re-focus a gazillion times because there are so many distractions like sweat dripping UP your nose (yes, UP - this happens when you're dripping wet, upside down!). I kept focused on what the instructor was saying, I didn't go ahead even though I knew what she was going to say next, I didn't break out of the postures early, I didn't put my arms down until she told us to. I was her robot, her puppet. It seemed so easy compared to the day before when I was trying to perform based on how I was feeling (which, have I mentioned was agonizing!), or on how I thought it should be done based on my prior experiences in class. I really did just follow exactly as she said and before I knew it, the class was over, and I felt an AMAZING sense of accomplishment.
What I realized, is that at my yoga class, how I FEEL or THINK about the words or instructions has an effect on my performance. Likewise, how I think and feel about the word of God and His promises, has an effect on not only my performance in everyday life, but on my health, on my relationships, on my joy, and on my entire christian walk.
It is true what they say: "Thoughts become things". Today I guess I just had one of those 'aha!' moments and really saw that concept manifest. I was reminded that if I just trust the Word and ignore all of the thoughts and feelings that are not in line with the Word, I really can do anything. The words of the Bikram script give me all of the instructions, adjustments, and body corrections I need in order to perform the yoga postures. When I focus on the script, and listen to my instructor, and push all distractions aside, I realize that it really is a very simple practice. If I can do what I did today by simply listening to the words of the yoga instructor, how much more can I accomplish in life with God as my instructor?
If we just focus on the word of God and push all distractions aside, all things are possible. So it is very true what the instructor said "Thoughts become actions, actions become habits, and habits dictate the way you live." It all boils down to your thoughts. God has given you a script, and how you think and feel about it His Word will determine the way you live, and ultimately, your destiny.